Free Maps of Spain

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Towns in Spain

Table of towns in Spain

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Horcajo de Santiago town416239.842060-2.997053 Map 
Horche village238440.565510-3.064186 Map 
Hornachos villageExtremaduraBadajoz387538.556114-6.068280 Map 
Hornachuelos village338437.833920-5.249456 Map 
Horta de Sant Joan town130140.9539030.317438 Map 
Hostalric town399841.7451902.633096 Map 
Hoyo de Manzanares villageComunidad de MadridMadrid506640.621613-3.909132 Map 
Huarte village609542.831413-1.590349 Map 
Huelma village587037.648087-3.456002 Map 
Huelva cityAndalucíaHuelva14880637.256386-6.949671 Map 
Huércal de Almería town666336.883610-2.439861 Map 
Huerta de Valdecarábanos villageCastilla-La ManchaToledo196339.862804-3.611217 Map 
Huesa village253437.764454-3.077442 Map 
Huesca city5154342.137337-0.410085 Map 
Huéscar village694937.810986-2.539692 Map 
Huete village177240.143963-2.691264 Map 
Huétor de Santillán village178937.222244-3.513969 Map 
Huétor Vega town1185337.147671-3.569254 Map 
Huétor-Tájar town1013437.196671-4.046647 Map 
Huévar del Aljarafe villageAndalucíaSevilla265837.355869-6.277981 Map 
Humanes village141540.827793-3.155907 Map 
Humanes de Madrid townComunidad de MadridMadrid1924840.250885-3.827100 Map 
Ibarra villageEuskal Herria / PaísGipuzkoa426943.131645-2.062257 Map 
Ibi town2386138.623287-0.573051 Map 
Ibros village312438.020515-3.502829 Map 

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