Free Maps of Spain

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Towns in Spain Beginning with M

Table of towns in Spain

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Monachil village131637.132435-3.539528 Map 
Moncada town1893539.545048-0.394102 Map 
Moncofa village327639.808205-0.145266 Map 
Monda village247036.630013-4.830613 Map 
Mondariz town508142.233036-8.455844 Map 
Mondoñedo town198643.429611-7.363901 Map 
Monesterio villageExtremaduraBadajoz480038.088196-6.272675 Map 
Monforte de Lemos townLugo1663042.523670-7.509695 Map 
Monforte del Cid village704138.379154-0.729046 Map 
Monistrol de Montserrat town286841.6105041.845270 Map 
Monòver/Monóvar town1203138.438782-0.839632 Map 
Monreal del Campo town276540.789463-1.353501 Map 
Mont-ras village144541.9080203.144796 Map 
Mont-roig del Camp village312341.0846750.961302 Map 
Montalbán village139840.832409-0.799419 Map 
Montalbán de Córdoba village454237.581463-4.749671 Map 
Montaverner village182838.887924-0.494820 Map 
Montblanc town703941.3762321.162070 Map 
Montbrió del Camp village229841.1199871.005848 Map 
Montcada i Reixac townCatalunyaBarcelona1272641.4800262.187303 Map 
Monteagudo village114541.962006-1.693944 Map 
Montealegre del Castillo village230138.787361-1.324842 Map 
Montefrío village436137.322880-4.006661 Map 
Montehermoso villageExtremaduraCáceres582940.088375-6.349597 Map 
Montejaque villageAndalucíaCádiz101736.737377-5.249970 Map 

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