Free Maps of Spain

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Towns in Spain Beginning with R

Table of towns in Spain

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Ribadeo town646643.536160-7.043678 Map 
Ribadesella / Ribeseya village309443.461712-5.058748 Map 
Ribaforada village361741.998138-1.512663 Map 
Ribeira town1260042.556484-8.992206 Map 
Ribera del Fresno villageExtremaduraBadajoz350838.552147-6.238655 Map 
Ribes de Freser town176542.3057292.167817 Map 
Ribesalbes village135940.022362-0.278514 Map 
Ricla village356841.503799-1.403761 Map 
Ricote village126038.154053-1.366816 Map 
Rincón de la Victoria town1675836.716209-4.279377 Map 
Rincón de Soto village380142.234646-1.850494 Map 
Riogordo village305936.918262-4.292478 Map 
Rioja village123836.945118-2.462699 Map 
Riola village184039.197426-0.334858 Map 
Riolobos village136239.920811-6.304006 Map 
Riópar village125838.498463-2.417857 Map 
Ripoll town968842.1982382.193250 Map 
Riudarenes village128941.8218542.716382 Map 
Riudecols village107041.1680830.974625 Map 
Riudellots de la Selva village104941.8954962.802230 Map 
Riudoms village647341.1390911.051970 Map 
Rivabellosa village103942.712265-2.918065 Map 
Roa villageCastilla y LeónBurgos245841.696621-3.928427 Map 
Robledo de Chavela villageComunidad de MadridMadrid387640.498352-4.239741 Map 
Rocafort town674839.530056-0.410938 Map 

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