Free Maps of Finland

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Towns in Finland

Table of towns in Finland

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Akaa town1710061.16800723.868675 Map 
Akonpohja village28761.69683529.686920 Map 
Alahärmä village466163.23727822.852400 Map 
Alajärvi town1026862.99986323.816761 Map 
Alavieska town274364.17010524.299143 Map 
Alavus town924762.58620523.618528 Map 
Artjärvi village140760.74790626.065542 Map 
Asikkala town850561.21606125.500376 Map 
Askainen village93860.57244521.867409 Map 
Askola town496860.52716125.600016 Map 
Aura town397660.64864322.582890 Map 
Björköby village38063.34480321.323540 Map 
Brändö village48260.40674221.030546 Map 
Ekenäs town1475459.97446423.435747 Map 
Eno town650862.79993430.150400 Map 
Enonkoski town154062.08807428.920456 Map 
Enontekiö village189168.38549023.643799 Map 
Espoo city26084260.22418624.660362 Map 
Eura town1241361.13008122.128345 Map 
Eurajoki village588661.20232421.730293 Map 
Evijärvi town269163.36706923.476864 Map 
Evitskog village70560.19979924.338310 Map 
Forssa town1773560.81557523.629833 Map 
Geta village50660.37487019.847958 Map 
Godby village254160.22969419.987827 Map 

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