Free Maps of Mexico

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Towns in Mexico

Table of towns in Mexico

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Santa Maria Atarasquillo town1376919.327068-99.460533 Map 
Santa María Atlihuetzian village219119.372223-98.177223 Map 
Santa María Coronango town1485919.132221-98.306946 Map 
Santa María de los Ángeles village368722.172829-103.224815 Map 
Santa María del Río town1200221.798561-100.736992 Map 
Santa María Huiramangaro (San Juan Tumbio) village259019.510530-101.766220 Map 
Santa María Ixtulco village456519.323610-98.203331 Map 
Santa María Magdalena village909920.598162-100.447662 Map 
Santa María Nenetzintla village402419.055555-97.965553 Map 
Santa María Texcalac village563019.421110-98.089447 Map 
Santa MarÍa Tlalmimilolpan village262819.392067-99.470428 Map 
Santa Rosa village359718.877501-97.781670 Map 
Santa Rosa Jauregui town1840620.741777-100.447197 Map 
Santa Rosa Xajay village357820.436523-99.898941 Map 
Santa Teresa village699820.961250-101.317169 Map 
Santa Úrsula Chiconquiac village575119.015278-97.675278 Map 
Santa Úrsula Zimatepec village434219.419167-98.164169 Map 
Santander Jiménez town550424.216917-98.483932 Map 
Santiago Acatlán village760118.996668-97.931114 Map 
Santiago Alseseca town774418.846111-97.701668 Map 
Santiago Analco village344619.330441-99.452438 Map 
Santiago Cuaula village237319.601667-98.649170 Map 
Santiago de Cuenda village652420.599104-100.994568 Map 
Santiago de Querétaro city109702520.587837-100.387993 Map 
Santiago Michac village319619.217777-98.338333 Map 

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