Free Maps of Germany

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Towns in Germany Beginning with M

Table of towns in Germany

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Meindorf village291150.7779467.136563 Map 
Meine village773552.38494910.539252 Map 
Meinersen village272552.47185910.361420 Map 
Meinhard village530451.21670210.066700 Map 
Meiningen town2168650.56782210.415753 Map 
Meisenheim town293649.7066467.670078 Map 
Meitingen town1109548.54999910.850000 Map 
Meißen town2755551.16308613.470494 Map 
Meißenheim (Baden) village362148.4108017.771605 Map 
Meißner village336851.2024549.935058 Map 
Melbeck village314153.17828010.408492 Map 
Meldorf town765554.0898829.070633 Map 
Melle town4641752.2007648.338667 Map 
Mellensee village590252.18612313.418655 Map 
Melsbach village212450.4884347.479302 Map 
Melsungen town1396651.1298079.543714 Map 
Memmelsdorf village897849.93116410.958467 Map 
Memmingen town4129647.98677110.181319 Map 
Menden village1024350.7903797.164659 Map 
Menden town5834251.4377907.795382 Map 
Mendig town872150.3693317.280570 Map 
Mengen town1017548.0497979.331610 Map 
Mengeringhausen village369051.3662038.985967 Map 
Mengersgereuth-Hämmern village303350.39143411.123513 Map 
Mengerskirchen town613950.5652398.155791 Map 

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