Free Maps of Germany

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Towns in Germany Beginning with B

Table of towns in Germany

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Büschergrund village359250.9115147.889203 Map 
Büsum town488054.1298488.858699 Map 
Büttelborn town1397649.9031688.514352 Map 
Büttgen village640851.1970486.608172 Map 
Bützow town770253.85000611.983295 Map 
Bärenstein village284750.49896613.028209 Map 
Bärnau town343849.81099312.430463 Map 
Böbingen an der Rems village468948.8222319.917824 Map 
Böblingen town4632248.6849719.011344 Map 
Böhl-Iggelheim village1068849.3753058.304136 Map 
Böhlen town707251.20249212.385840 Map 
Böhmenkirch village563148.6837279.932732 Map 
Bönebüttel village204254.07925010.058809 Map 
Bönen town1920051.5980767.758854 Map 
Bönnigheim village745449.0417189.093398 Map 
Bönningstedt village407753.6670199.905797 Map 
Börnsen village384753.47620010.284040 Map 
Börßum village229952.06948110.578538 Map 
Bösel village738453.0050397.956470 Map 
Bösensell village290051.9177977.477729 Map 
Bösingen village347048.2387318.558379 Map 

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