Free Maps of Germany

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Towns in Germany Beginning with W

Table of towns in Germany

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Wettstetten village468248.82368511.414012 Map 
Weyarn town333247.85920311.799982 Map 
Weyhausen village248652.46278010.719302 Map 
Weyhe town3032552.9815948.847941 Map 
Weßling village517348.07391011.252397 Map 
Wiblingwerde village692551.3097537.615114 Map 
Wickede village1265851.4950457.868928 Map 
Wiedemar village229751.46647312.203362 Map 
Wiedenest village286951.0310177.685094 Map 
Wiederau village307950.97311012.835250 Map 
Wiefelstede town1433553.2558638.115012 Map 
Wiehe town210351.26631511.411990 Map 
Wiehl town2660450.9478497.553006 Map 
Wielenbach village326947.87435911.158867 Map 
Wienhausen village417152.57912110.185047 Map 
Wieren town262052.88875610.656827 Map 
Wiernsheim village649748.8910298.851609 Map 
Wiesau village436249.91035112.184150 Map 
Wiesbaden city27431850.0833028.250000 Map 
Wiesenbach village313149.3614018.803610 Map 
Wiesenburg / Mark village545952.11455212.453688 Map 
Wiesenfelden village358349.03875412.541250 Map 
Wiesensteig village229148.5623289.627228 Map 
Wiesent village258549.00725612.378699 Map 
Wiesentheid village480849.79553610.343580 Map 

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