Free Maps of Germany

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Towns in Germany Beginning with W

Table of towns in Germany

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Wartmannsroth village231950.1671039.788666 Map 
Wasbek village221654.0739599.898631 Map 
Wassenberg town1622451.1007616.156107 Map 
Wasserburg (Bodensee) village332347.5703099.638392 Map 
Wasserburg am Inn town1243948.06151612.220026 Map 
Wasserliesch village220449.7055136.541709 Map 
Wasserlosen village349550.09540910.030354 Map 
Wassertrüdingen town612949.04067210.596943 Map 
Wasungen town355050.66426110.367141 Map 
Wathlingen village605652.53638510.151628 Map 
Wattenbek village288254.16804110.052727 Map 
Wechselburg village226951.00341012.774329 Map 
Weddingstedt village232154.2344259.089591 Map 
Wedel town3187553.5810249.703877 Map 
Wedemark town2918252.5500349.731669 Map 
Weener town1571453.1645937.353624 Map 
Wees village224854.8060269.518618 Map 
Weeze village1012651.6267326.201156 Map 
Wefensleben village221852.17953111.157442 Map 
Weferlingen village238352.31445711.054971 Map 
Wegberg town2949251.1423616.277686 Map 
Wegeleben village312851.88501711.174711 Map 
Wegscheid village579248.59965113.788363 Map 
Wehingen village369948.1483888.793294 Map 
Wehr town1299547.6333057.899992 Map 

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