Free Maps of Norway

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Towns in Norway Beginning with N

Table of towns in Norway

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Nordseter village[?]61.17772310.615934 Map 
Nordskog village[?]59.5654685.337457 Map 
Nordskott village[?]67.82992614.791767 Map 
Nordvik village[?]60.3090555.040000 Map 
Nordvik village[?]59.3140344.879395 Map 
Nordvik village[?]60.2316325.365015 Map 
Nordvågen village[?]70.98597726.029793 Map 
Noresund village[?]60.1798559.624101 Map 
Norheimsund village[?]60.3721776.144589 Map 
Notodden town1223259.5620199.263201 Map 
Nusfjord village[?]68.03534713.348069 Map 
Ny-Ålesund village[?]78.92588011.925597 Map 
Nyborg village[?]70.17733828.614323 Map 
Nydal village[?]60.84584811.041571 Map 
Nygård village[?]67.11302914.307592 Map 
Nykirke village[?]59.42436610.378142 Map 
Nyksund village[?]68.99486515.012734 Map 
Nykvåg village[?]68.77591714.461946 Map 
Nypan village[?]63.33327510.299711 Map 
Nærbø village[?]58.6665805.648054 Map 
Næroset village[?]60.97443010.776107 Map 
Nærsnes village[?]59.75760310.511598 Map 
Nørdre Austbygda village[?]60.67789810.452800 Map 

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