Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with F

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Fos-sur-Mer town1535743.4380724.945595 Map 
Fosses village960049.0971642.508359 Map 
Fouesnant village915547.894539-4.011537 Map 
Foug village276748.6838075.786740 Map 
Fougères town1982048.353680-1.202221 Map 
Fougerolles village379247.8935666.406364 Map 
Foulayronnes village502444.2391200.647070 Map 
Fouquières-lès-Lens village653850.4287992.903520 Map 
Fouras village409545.987007-1.096107 Map 
Fourchambault village463547.0177883.082733 Map 
Fourmies town1268750.0060014.055900 Map 
Fournes-en-Weppes village203550.5836792.888348 Map 
Fourques village290543.6934244.611756 Map 
Fourqueux village408548.8865322.064498 Map 
Fraisses village395845.3887944.265718 Map 
Fraize village305948.1863567.002207 Map 
Francheville town1292945.7357484.764730 Map 
Franconville town3309748.9889982.224710 Map 
Franqueville-Saint-Pierre village573449.4026991.182500 Map 
Fréjus town5183943.4330296.736018 Map 
Frelinghien village248350.7122382.932291 Map 
Freneuse village393049.0485001.601896 Map 
Frépillon village279549.0512312.203243 Map 
Fresnay-sur-Sarthe village217348.2807730.022251 Map 
Fresnes town2624848.7544062.325865 Map 

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