Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with N

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Noyal-sur-Vilaine village544148.114079-1.523473 Map 
Noyarey village224345.2476015.626693 Map 
Noyelles-Godault village514150.4197692.996459 Map 
Noyelles-lès-Vermelles village224350.4883352.724558 Map 
Noyelles-sous-Lens village689650.4307522.876001 Map 
Noyen-sur-Sarthe village261147.872311-0.099258 Map 
Noyers-sur-Cher village280947.2797161.381192 Map 
Noyon town1347849.5814902.998538 Map 
Nozay village383547.564728-1.625472 Map 
Nueil-les-Aubiers village544446.943439-0.592277 Map 
Nuits-Saint-Georges village560047.1349794.954099 Map 
Nyons village695044.3554995.128380 Map 
Nœux-les-Mines town1220650.4753992.662190 Map 

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