Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with T

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Torfou village209047.036285-1.117359 Map 
Torigni-sur-Vire village237749.034721-0.979158 Map 
Torreilles village314742.7548452.992815 Map 
Tosse village237443.688255-1.333795 Map 
Toucy village262847.7338643.293919 Map 
Toufflers village398950.6619383.231575 Map 
Toul town1569348.6762625.894176 Map 
Toulenne village258244.557289-0.263240 Map 
Toulon city16453243.1257325.930492 Map 
Toulouges village617342.6700332.831982 Map 
Toulouse city44180243.6044621.444247 Map 
Touques village399549.3608860.114044 Map 
Tourcoing town9192350.7217293.159308 Map 
Tourlaville town1591049.646515-1.566753 Map 
Tournan-en-Brie village805448.7415772.767936 Map 
Tournefeuille town2534043.5827871.346654 Map 
Tournon-sur-Rhône town1067445.0675164.832852 Map 
Tournus town584946.5636144.910408 Map 
Tourrette-Levens village472943.7878007.272280 Map 
Tourrettes village274343.6236116.701530 Map 
Tourrettes-sur-Loup village400743.7158017.058912 Map 
Tours city13481747.3900450.688927 Map 
Tourves village485543.4077005.924330 Map 
Tourville-la-Rivière village242849.3301161.105784 Map 
Toury village261348.1962701.936314 Map 

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