Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with V

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Verneuil-sur-Seine town1517848.9861981.961930 Map 
Verneuil-sur-Vienne village434745.8493191.127350 Map 
Verniolle village231743.0794031.651426 Map 
Vernon town2514749.0917821.488657 Map 
Vernosc-lès-Annonay village228745.2164154.713070 Map 
Vernou-la-Celle-sur-Seine village265248.3874442.844501 Map 
Vernou-sur-Brenne village267847.4197500.847055 Map 
Vernouillet town1170048.7169271.368026 Map 
Vernouillet village939948.9724621.983062 Map 
Verquigneul village202850.5023502.667396 Map 
Verquin village331850.5000992.641600 Map 
Verrières-le-Buisson town1541848.7467802.265384 Map 
Versailles town8611048.8035392.126689 Map 
Verson village359649.155556-0.450833 Map 
Versonnex village214446.3004996.095210 Map 
Vert-le-Grand village241048.5740132.359398 Map 
Vert-le-Petit village263648.5512582.366309 Map 
Vert-Saint-Denis village696648.5671012.625250 Map 
Vertaizon village311545.7703593.288119 Map 
Verton village227250.4015541.650798 Map 
Vertou town2144347.168442-1.472160 Map 
Vertus village253648.9052894.004567 Map 
Vervins village284749.8333363.908537 Map 
Vescovato village245842.4936569.438714 Map 
Vesoul town1576147.6236086.156637 Map 

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