Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with D

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Dol-de-Bretagne village533548.548977-1.752101 Map 
Dole town2462947.0921065.492546 Map 
Dolomieu village295645.6135415.501206 Map 
Dolus-d'Oléron village317345.908401-1.254940 Map 
Domagné village221748.070660-1.391843 Map 
Dombasle-sur-Meurthe village1002848.6212016.361060 Map 
Domène village662645.2013055.838895 Map 
Domérat village899046.3599972.536866 Map 
Domfront village386648.592670-0.645919 Map 
Dommartin village273745.8347024.713708 Map 
Dommartin-lès-Toul village202448.6700945.908032 Map 
Domont town1482749.0265392.324615 Map 
Dompierre-sur-Besbre village315246.5216183.681429 Map 
Dompierre-sur-Mer village532946.186001-1.065640 Map 
Dompierre-sur-Yon village406646.737144-1.386198 Map 
Donchery village236949.6971744.873560 Map 
Donges village674847.318539-2.074571 Map 
Donnemarie-Dontilly village279048.4793553.128812 Map 
Donnery village253347.9126012.112190 Map 
Donzenac village254545.2278181.523025 Map 
Donzère village534344.4442024.707344 Map 
Dordives village297648.1465992.772750 Map 
Dorlisheim village247848.5258337.486667 Map 
Dormans village290649.0626983.646310 Map 
Douai town4219750.3703693.076138 Map 

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