Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with S

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Saint-Martin-de-Crau town1118043.6384244.810293 Map 
Saint-Martin-de-Fontenay village250449.119999-0.370000 Map 
Saint-Martin-de-Londres village237043.7914513.732992 Map 
Saint-Martin-de-Ré village252646.201561-1.368183 Map 
Saint-Martin-de-Seignanx village486343.541534-1.387097 Map 
Saint-Martin-de-Valgalgues village415344.1620754.083222 Map 
Saint-Martin-des-Champs village475948.574993-3.843941 Map 
Saint-Martin-des-Champs village220348.670597-1.330807 Map 
Saint-Martin-des-Noyers village222846.722500-1.176944 Map 
Saint-Martin-du-Tertre village258649.1061822.342615 Map 
Saint-Martin-du-Var village257643.8219727.191800 Map 
Saint-Martin-en-Haut village384945.6602364.559466 Map 
Saint-Martin-la-Plaine village368645.5528984.591470 Map 
Saint-Martin-le-Beau village290247.3562660.908158 Map 
Saint-Martin-le-Vinoux village535745.2088705.705600 Map 
Saint-Mathieu-de-Tréviers village467143.7694093.864455 Map 
Saint-Mathurin-sur-Loire village237447.409679-0.321175 Map 
Saint-Maur village326846.8055151.638485 Map 
Saint-Maur-des-Fossés town7481648.8005792.494992 Map 
Saint-Maurice town1451248.8176122.442070 Map 
Saint-Maurice-de-Beynost village386545.8333024.977090 Map 
Saint-Maurice-de-Gourdans village249845.8207025.193627 Map 
Saint-Maurice-de-Lignon village240245.2228434.137725 Map 
Saint-Maurice-l'Exil village584545.3969764.774990 Map 
Saint-Maurice-sur-Dargoire village216045.5819664.630788 Map 

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