Free Maps of Spain

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Towns in Spain Beginning with C

Table of towns in Spain

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Cedeira townGaliciaA Coruña482943.660103-8.054525 Map 
Cedillo del Condado village289340.115372-3.925774 Map 
Cee town359742.955631-9.190219 Map 
Cehegín town1408938.092506-1.798752 Map 
Celanova town351642.152344-7.957845 Map 
Celeiro village188643.679768-7.593316 Map 
Cella village295140.454430-1.285986 Map 
Celrà village452142.0249212.879525 Map 
Cenes de la Vega village790037.160000-3.539046 Map 
Cenicero village211942.481293-2.641983 Map 
Cenicientos villageComunidad de MadridMadrid209940.263187-4.466980 Map 
Centelles village725941.7981302.221806 Map 
Cercedilla townComunidad de MadridMadrid657240.741657-4.054480 Map 
Cerdanyola del Vallès townCatalunyaBarcelona5824741.4910322.137497 Map 
Cervelló village400741.3964201.958592 Map 
Cervera town910041.6730381.272956 Map 
Cervera de Pisuerga village183842.863552-4.497223 Map 
Cervera del Río Alhama village165342.005833-1.955479 Map 
Ceutí town963938.077694-1.274130 Map 
Chantada town434042.609623-7.770586 Map 
Chapinería villageComunidad de MadridMadrid205640.379410-4.210002 Map 
Chauchina village442837.198662-3.772381 Map 
Cheles village126138.512058-7.282192 Map 
Chella village282039.041954-0.659113 Map 
Chelva village171239.748665-0.997686 Map 

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