Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with L

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Lauris village365543.7466055.312679 Map 
Lauterbourg village227448.9736718.181733 Map 
Laval town5084348.071037-0.772350 Map 
Lavardac village228544.1777760.297778 Map 
Lavaur village1014843.6989331.815187 Map 
Lavelanet village652542.9324991.843410 Map 
Laventie village483850.6267972.770686 Map 
Lavernose-Lacasse village269943.3964581.262009 Map 
Lavérune village273543.5848393.803631 Map 
Laxou town1481248.6849176.143701 Map 
Lay-Saint-Christophe village254148.7504466.201083 Map 
Layrac village355244.1347050.660892 Map 
Le Ban-Saint-Martin village425249.1225206.151158 Map 
Le Bar-sur-Loup village279543.7012416.988256 Map 
Le Barcarès village406342.7946783.033524 Map 
Le Barp village457844.606365-0.769775 Map 
Le Beausset village911543.1988265.800719 Map 
Le Bignon village330947.098213-1.490708 Map 
Le Blanc-Mesnil town5143848.9385492.463148 Map 
Le Bois-d'Oingt village224245.9211434.585676 Map 
Le Bois-Plage-en-Ré village235846.183601-1.377630 Map 
Le Bosc-Roger-en-Roumois village317849.2941630.924625 Map 
Le Boulou village541042.5259972.833716 Map 
Le Boupère village295646.795555-0.925278 Map 
Le Bourg-d'Oisans village332745.0547146.030663 Map 

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