Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with L

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Lognes town1456048.8322982.633870 Map 
Logonna-Daoulas village209348.320660-4.299589 Map 
Loire-sur-Rhône village241245.5589754.806333 Map 
Loison-sous-Lens village529950.4445992.861810 Map 
Lomme town2650050.6457022.987093 Map 
Lompret village235850.6702042.990181 Map 
Longages village265043.3555761.239977 Map 
Longeville-lès-Metz village383449.1152466.136124 Map 
Longeville-lès-Saint-Avold village379449.1187406.645963 Map 
Longeville-sur-Mer village237746.425167-1.488347 Map 
Longjumeau town2136148.6966592.297325 Map 
Longlaville village245049.5341805.802852 Map 
Longperrier village245449.0522652.660252 Map 
Longpont-sur-Orge town656148.6393012.285277 Map 
Longué-Jumelles village680047.376339-0.110467 Map 
Longueau village568649.8720022.355820 Map 
Longueil-Annel village237949.4697112.865519 Map 
Longuenesse town1092550.7370992.248330 Map 
Longuyon town557749.4461065.600732 Map 
Longvic village929047.2841005.057480 Map 
Longwy town1442049.5144465.767962 Map 
Lons town1214743.315407-0.409764 Map 
Lons-le-Saunier town1768146.6739015.558617 Map 
Loon-Plage village630250.9964942.219546 Map 
Loos town2159250.6092073.016252 Map 

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