Free Maps of Germany

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Towns in Germany

Table of towns in Germany

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Lechenich town1170050.8001486.765508 Map 
Leck town764654.7739268.972506 Map 
Leeder village339947.93342610.827841 Map 
Leegebruch village649952.72237813.192512 Map 
Leer (Ostfriesland) town3428553.2327617.457726 Map 
Leezen village216753.66240311.498587 Map 
Legden village678652.0313427.104557 Map 
Lehesten town216150.47540711.449156 Map 
Lehnin town1140052.31736012.743781 Map 
Lehrberg village312949.34483010.510577 Map 
Lehrensteinsfeld village206649.1287129.324562 Map 
Lehrte town4404552.3749319.974856 Map 
Leibertingen village229448.0428819.014548 Map 
Leiblfing village399548.77307512.513523 Map 
Leichlingen town2752451.1059657.014030 Map 
Leidersbach village497349.9023139.220862 Map 
Leiferde village441252.43776710.437328 Map 
Leimen town2703149.3491408.690995 Map 
Leimersheim village261049.1237498.346179 Map 
Leinach village322849.8619009.804860 Map 
Leinatal village370050.85169610.645387 Map 
Leinburg village643149.45085111.308511 Map 
Leinfelden-Echterdingen town3705548.6901829.152572 Map 
Leingarten town1042949.1434299.124057 Map 
Leinzell village223748.8488699.875255 Map 

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