Free Maps of Germany

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Towns in Germany

Table of towns in Germany

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Mochau bei Döbeln village278851.13485713.187518 Map 
Modautal village501849.7606018.720830 Map 
Moers city10510251.4512836.628430 Map 
Mohlsdorf village313150.67370212.262469 Map 
Molbergen town731352.8605507.920366 Map 
Molfsee village492654.26429410.065484 Map 
Mommenheim village308649.8834238.269493 Map 
Monheim town4203051.0912176.883695 Map 
Monheim town493048.84235810.856271 Map 
Monschau town1257750.5544706.240795 Map 
Monsheim town256049.6362728.210892 Map 
Montabaur town1255850.4362227.830249 Map 
Moorenweis village373748.15472411.078995 Map 
Moormerland town2245853.3196227.422509 Map 
Moorrege village401453.6670769.670678 Map 
Moos village216048.75205212.962472 Map 
Moos (Bodensee) village325047.7247098.934813 Map 
Moosbach village256049.59166012.408016 Map 
Moosburg an der Isar town1725948.46670211.933300 Map 
Moosinning village544448.27782411.845094 Map 
Moosthenning village468648.67751312.496949 Map 
Morbach village1116249.8102957.126992 Map 
Moringen townNiedersachsen759651.6982509.869156 Map 
Moritzburg village806851.15884013.682085 Map 
Morlautern village307549.4699637.765212 Map 

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