Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with M

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Malaucène village269144.1733675.132073 Map 
Malaunay village592549.5280761.040309 Map 
Malemort-sur-Corrèze village770945.1755751.584425 Map 
Malesherbes village619048.2959182.405149 Map 
Malestroit village248847.810036-2.383017 Map 
Malissard village322444.9006614.959150 Map 
Mallemort village604143.7314725.180286 Map 
Malville village316147.360638-1.863578 Map 
Malzéville village812048.7114456.185962 Map 
Mamers village547348.3546980.371483 Map 
Mametz village202250.6342202.324090 Map 
Mandelieu-la-Napoule town2220343.5439156.935913 Map 
Mandeure village493347.4519926.805084 Map 
Mandres-les-Roses village441348.7031752.547163 Map 
Manduel village569043.8185584.473224 Map 
Manom village264249.3714646.188312 Map 
Manosque town2210543.8333855.783633 Map 
Mantes-la-Jolie town4296948.9891971.714068 Map 
Mantes-la-Ville town1910048.9748951.710945 Map 
Marange-Silvange townLorraine584249.2160766.116416 Map 
Marans village462346.310135-0.994054 Map 
Maraussan village375743.3695983.153990 Map 
Marboz village218246.3428045.259079 Map 
Marcheprime village430144.693455-0.854354 Map 
Marchiennes village474250.4075013.282584 Map 

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