Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with B

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Bitschwiller-lès-Thann village202847.8286747.081410 Map 
Biviers village236045.2375915.796513 Map 
Bizanos village477943.288795-0.353140 Map 
Blagnac town2171043.6433981.377990 Map 
Blain village943447.475555-1.764365 Map 
Blainville-sur-l'Eau village400048.5557756.407888 Map 
Blainville-sur-Orne village581349.229721-0.298889 Map 
Blangy-sur-Bresle village293049.9323771.629683 Map 
Blanquefort town1477944.910923-0.636997 Map 
Blanzat village382445.8266983.073400 Map 
Blanzy village663346.7037434.389951 Map 
Blaringhem village201450.6905172.404901 Map 
Blaye village480245.127125-0.663596 Map 
Blaye-les-Mines village307444.0330012.141800 Map 
Blendecques village520050.7140012.279460 Map 
Blénod-lès-Pont-à-Mousson village437448.8755006.064480 Map 
Bléré village521347.3279760.991823 Map 
Blois town4649247.5876851.333764 Map 
Blotzheim village412147.6028797.497583 Map 
Bobigny town4749248.9063872.445223 Map 
Boé village542144.1605570.629444 Map 
Boën-sur-Lignon village318145.7490014.009183 Map 
Boeschepe village219750.8002742.691633 Map 
Bogny-sur-Meuse village547849.8508344.767778 Map 
Bohain-en-Vermandois village630049.9869803.454860 Map 

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