Free Maps of United States

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Towns in United States

Table of towns in United States

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Bainbridge townSouthGeorgiaDecatur1208730.903826-84.575478 Map 
Bainbridge Island townWestWashingtonKitsap2482547.626270-122.520943 Map 
Baker townSouthLouisianaEast Baton Rouge1369930.588243-91.168159 Map 
Baker City townWestOregonBaker964844.774876-117.834381 Map 
Bakersfield cityWestCaliforniaKern37364035.373871-119.019463 Map 
Bal Harbour Village villageSouthFloridaMiami-Dade322225.891762-80.126991 Map 
Balch Springs townSouthTexasDallas1981832.728741-96.622772 Map 
Bald Knob villageSouthArkansasWhite334635.309807-91.567909 Map 
Baldwin villageMidwestWisconsinSt. Croix352744.966633-92.374359 Map 
Baldwin townNortheastPennsylvaniaAllegheny1973440.338123-79.978943 Map 
Baldwin townNortheastNew YorkNassau3391940.650776-73.612411 Map 
Baldwin City villageMidwestKansasDouglas414538.775005-95.186363 Map 
Baldwin Park townWestCaliforniaLos Angeles7856834.085472-117.961174 Map 
Baldwinsville villageNortheastNew YorkOnondaga789843.158680-76.332710 Map 
Baldwyn villageSouthMississippiLee329734.509544-88.635330 Map 
Ball villageSouthLouisianaRapides373031.415445-92.411537 Map 
Ballenger Creek townSouthMarylandFrederick1827439.372601-77.435265 Map 
Ballinger townSouthTexasRunnels391831.741104-99.953072 Map 
Ballston Spa villageNortheastNew YorkSaratoga511143.000908-73.849014 Map 
Ballville villageMidwestOhioSandusky645441.327831-83.132141 Map 
Ballwin townMidwestMissouriSt. Louis3018838.593601-90.538551 Map 
Baltimore citySouthMarylandBaltimore58570839.290882-76.610756 Map 
Bamberg townSouthSouth CarolinaBamberg350933.297100-81.034821 Map 
Bangor townNortheastPennsylvaniaNorthampton528640.865650-75.206566 Map 
Bangor cityNortheastMainePenobscot3199844.801182-68.777817 Map 

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