Free Maps of United States

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Towns in United States

Table of towns in United States

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Rochelle Park villageNortheastNew JerseyBergen602740.909298-74.073311 Map 
Rochester cityNortheastNew HampshireStrafford3011743.305061-70.975365 Map 
Rochester townNortheastMassachusettsPlymouth540641.731770-70.820038 Map 
Rochester cityNortheastNew YorkMonroe21132843.157284-77.615211 Map 
Rochester townMidwestIndianaFulton646041.064884-86.215996 Map 
Rochester villageMidwestIllinoisSangamon308239.749493-89.531761 Map 
Rochester townNortheastPennsylvaniaBeaver375140.702290-80.286095 Map 
Rochester townMidwestMichiganOakland1123942.680588-83.133820 Map 
Rochester cityMidwestMinnesotaOlmsted11975644.023438-92.463020 Map 
Rochester Hills townMidwestMichiganOakland6983342.658367-83.149933 Map 
Rock Falls townMidwestIllinoisWhiteside860641.781624-89.692604 Map 
Rock Hill citySouthSouth CarolinaYork7437234.924866-81.025078 Map 
Rock Hill villageMidwestMissouriSt. Louis465338.607552-90.378448 Map 
Rock Island cityMidwestIllinoisRock Island3710841.509544-90.579201 Map 
Rock Springs cityWestWyomingSweetwater2210541.586056-109.219452 Map 
Rock Valley townMidwestIowaSioux405943.205242-96.294846 Map 
Rockaway villageNortheastNew JerseyMorris641040.901211-74.514320 Map 
Rockdale townSouthTexasMilam532330.654943-97.005821 Map 
Rockford villageMidwestMichiganKent517643.119720-85.559601 Map 
Rockford townMidwestMinnesotaWright368945.088295-93.734413 Map 
Rockford cityMidwestIllinoisWinnebago14707042.271393-89.093964 Map 
Rockingham townSouthNorth CarolinaRichmond955834.939320-79.773949 Map 
Rockland townNortheastMassachusettsPlymouth1789642.130657-70.916153 Map 
Rockland townNortheastMaineKnox718344.103699-69.107559 Map 
Rockledge townSouthFloridaBrevard2492628.320154-80.736649 Map 

Free maps of United States. All maps on this site are copyright "Free country maps" unless they contain the CC-BY_SA 2.0 OpenStreetMap watermark. The maps cannot be displayed on any other website this includes the topographical maps and any other United States map excluding the United States outline maps, town maps of United States and the road maps which can be freely copied, modified and used according to openstreetmaps terms of service.

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