Free Maps of United States

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Towns in United States

Table of towns in United States

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Carrollton townMidwestMissouriCarroll397139.358242-93.496544 Map 
Carrollton townSouthTexasDallas13335132.953735-96.890282 Map 
Carson cityWestCaliforniaLos Angeles9380533.832203-118.251755 Map 
Carson City cityWestNevadaCarson City5863939.169804-119.757561 Map 
Carter Lake townMidwestIowaPottawattamie379141.285130-95.917160 Map 
Carteret townNortheastNew JerseyMiddlesex2226440.577328-74.228203 Map 
Cartersville townSouthGeorgiaBartow2097834.165230-84.799759 Map 
Carterville villageMidwestIllinoisWilliamson519037.759789-89.077431 Map 
Carthage townMidwestMissouriJasper1437837.176514-94.310341 Map 
Carthage townSouthTexasPanola660432.157040-94.338112 Map 
Carthage townSouthMississippiLeake479432.732635-89.536179 Map 
Caruthersville villageMidwestMissouriPemiscot636336.193127-89.655632 Map 
Carver townNortheastMassachusettsPlymouth1157841.883434-70.762535 Map 
Cary citySouthNorth CarolinaWake13663735.788288-78.781204 Map 
Cary townMidwestIllinoisMcHenry1963342.211967-88.238136 Map 
Cascade Charter Township townMidwestMichiganKent1713442.915421-85.501068 Map 
Cascades villageSouthVirginiaLoudoun1236639.048027-77.383881 Map 
Casco villageMidwestMichiganSt. Clair504542.752533-82.671585 Map 
Casey villageMidwestIllinoisClark418839.299385-87.991753 Map 
Caseyville villageMidwestIllinoisSt. Clair425738.636715-90.025658 Map 
Cashmere villageWestWashingtonChelan300347.522312-120.468948 Map 
Casper cityWestWyomingNatrona5876342.850121-106.325134 Map 
Cassville villageMidwestMissouriBarry325036.677010-93.868813 Map 
Castle Hills villageSouthTexasBexar411629.523285-98.516403 Map 
Castle Rock townWestColoradoDouglas3968239.372253-104.858681 Map 

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