Free Maps of United States

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Towns in United States

Table of towns in United States

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Bethlehem cityNortheastPennsylvaniaNorthampton7578140.617889-75.378654 Map 
Bettendorf cityMidwestIowaScott3910241.525379-90.509865 Map 
Beverly cityNortheastMassachusettsEssex3950242.558430-70.880051 Map 
Beverly Hills townMidwestMichiganOakland1001242.522621-83.241356 Map 
Beverly Hills townWestCaliforniaLos Angeles3497934.069649-118.396309 Map 
Bexley townMidwestOhioFranklin1228339.969238-82.936867 Map 
Bicknell villageMidwestIndianaKnox326738.774216-87.307793 Map 
Biddeford cityNortheastMaineYork2150043.492584-70.453384 Map 
Big Bear Lake townWestCaliforniaSan Bernardino616934.244061-116.910179 Map 
Big Lake townMidwestMinnesotaSherburne932345.332466-93.746078 Map 
Big Pine Key villageSouthFloridaMonroe503224.669865-81.353966 Map 
Big Rapids townMidwestMichiganMecosta1056543.698078-85.483658 Map 
Big Sky townWestMontanaGallatin309845.258965-111.308723 Map 
Big Spring townSouthTexasHoward2422232.250397-101.478737 Map 
Big Stone Gap townSouthVirginiaWise525436.867794-82.774223 Map 
Billerica townNortheastMassachusettsMiddlesex4139142.558426-71.268944 Map 
Billings cityWestMontanaYellowstone11711645.787495-108.496071 Map 
Biloxi citySouthMississippiHarrison4944930.400763-88.889381 Map 
Binghamton cityNortheastNew YorkBroome4796942.098713-75.912529 Map 
Birdsboro villageNortheastPennsylvaniaBerks520640.264538-75.804085 Map 
Birmingham villageNortheastPennsylvaniaChester426839.905109-75.594376 Map 
Birmingham townMidwestMichiganOakland1918542.546700-83.211319 Map 
Birmingham citySouthAlabamaJefferson21210733.520683-86.802429 Map 
Biscayne Park villageSouthFloridaMiami-Dade307525.882595-80.180603 Map 
Bishop townWestCaliforniaInyo387937.363678-118.395241 Map 

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