Free Maps of United States

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Towns in United States

Table of towns in United States

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Alpine townSouthTexasBrewster603530.360218-103.662857 Map 
Alpine Township townMidwestMichiganKent1333643.058132-85.690071 Map 
Alsip townMidwestIllinoisCook1894041.668922-87.738663 Map 
Altadena townWestCaliforniaLos Angeles4277734.186317-118.135231 Map 
Altamont townWestOregonKlamath1934142.206814-121.737221 Map 
Altavista townSouthVirginiaCampbell338437.111809-79.285576 Map 
Alton villageNortheastNew HampshireBelknap589443.452919-71.218185 Map 
Alton townSouthTexasHidalgo1234126.287127-98.313782 Map 
Alton townMidwestIllinoisMadison2567638.890858-90.184311 Map 
Altoona townMidwestIowaPolk1956541.643730-93.469604 Map 
Altoona villageMidwestWisconsinEau Claire641644.804684-91.443214 Map 
Altoona cityNortheastPennsylvaniaBlair4695440.518681-78.394737 Map 
Altus townSouthOklahomaJackson1952534.638126-99.333977 Map 
Alva townSouthOklahomaWoods502836.803051-98.666031 Map 
Alvarado townSouthTexasJohnson453032.406532-97.211678 Map 
Alvin townSouthTexasBrazoria2423629.423847-95.244102 Map 
Amarillo citySouthTexasPotter20039335.207218-101.833824 Map 
Amberley Village villageMidwestOhioHamilton358539.204781-84.427994 Map 
Ambler villageNortheastPennsylvaniaMontgomery627040.154552-75.221565 Map 
Ambridge villageNortheastPennsylvaniaBeaver721940.589233-80.225060 Map 
Amelia villageMidwestOhioClermont480139.028397-84.217712 Map 
American Canyon townWestCaliforniaNapa1591938.174919-122.260803 Map 
American Falls villageWestIdahoPower422542.786022-112.854439 Map 
American Fork townWestUtahUtah3333740.376804-111.795914 Map 
Americus townSouthGeorgiaSumter1704132.072388-84.232689 Map 

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