Free Maps of United States

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Towns in United States

Table of towns in United States

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Santee townWestCaliforniaSan Diego5253032.838383-116.973915 Map 
Sappington villageMidwestMissouriSt. Louis758038.530258-90.370979 Map 
Sapulpa townSouthOklahomaCreek2079336.000504-96.104958 Map 
Saraland townSouthAlabamaMobile1277130.820742-88.070557 Map 
Saranac villageNortheastNew YorkClinton431244.651558-73.743668 Map 
Saranac Lake villageNortheastNew YorkFranklin488744.329498-74.131279 Map 
Saranap villageWestCaliforniaContra Costa520237.889107-122.076508 Map 
Sarasota citySouthFloridaSarasota5294227.336580-82.530853 Map 
Saratoga villageMidwestIllinoisGrundy518041.459198-88.431458 Map 
Saratoga townWestCaliforniaSanta Clara3015337.263832-122.023018 Map 
Saratoga Springs townWestUtahUtah3769640.349117-111.904655 Map 
Saratoga Springs cityNortheastNew YorkSaratoga2849143.082180-73.785393 Map 
Sartell townMidwestMinnesotaStearns1071345.621632-94.206940 Map 
Satellite Beach townSouthFloridaBrevard1108828.176123-80.590050 Map 
Satsuma villageSouthAlabamaMobile599130.853241-88.056114 Map 
Saugus townNortheastMassachusettsEssex2710742.464817-71.010048 Map 
Sauk Centre townMidwestMinnesotaStearns390945.737465-94.952522 Map 
Sauk City villageMidwestWisconsinSauk341043.271595-89.722687 Map 
Sauk Rapids townMidwestMinnesotaBenton1156045.591328-94.167381 Map 
Saukville villageMidwestWisconsinOzaukee430643.381668-87.940643 Map 
Sault Ste. Marie townMidwestMichiganChippewa1414446.490585-84.359268 Map 
Sausalito townWestCaliforniaMarin720737.859028-122.485466 Map 
Savage townMidwestMinnesotaScott2729244.777905-93.335617 Map 
Savannah townMidwestMissouriAndrew505739.941368-94.829948 Map 
Savannah citySouthGeorgiaChatham14778032.056458-81.095123 Map 

Free maps of United States. All maps on this site are copyright "Free country maps" unless they contain the CC-BY_SA 2.0 OpenStreetMap watermark. The maps cannot be displayed on any other website this includes the topographical maps and any other United States map excluding the United States outline maps, town maps of United States and the road maps which can be freely copied, modified and used according to openstreetmaps terms of service.

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