Free Maps of United States

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Towns in United States

Table of towns in United States

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Garfield townNortheastNew JerseyBergen2964440.881489-74.113197 Map 
Garfield Heights townMidwestOhioCuyahoga2767341.416996-81.605957 Map 
Garland citySouthTexasDallas23494332.912624-96.638885 Map 
Garner townMidwestIowaHancock306543.102146-93.602005 Map 
Garner townSouthNorth CarolinaWake2374135.711266-78.614174 Map 
Garnett townMidwestKansasAnderson328038.280579-95.241920 Map 
Garrett townMidwestIndianaDeKalb575241.349491-85.135529 Map 
Garwood villageNortheastNew JerseyUnion423340.651768-74.322929 Map 
Gary cityMidwestIndianaLake7601041.602097-87.337067 Map 
Gas City villageMidwestIndianaGrant579140.487263-85.613029 Map 
Gastonia citySouthNorth CarolinaGaston6990435.262264-81.183823 Map 
Gatesville townSouthTexasCoryell1548931.435163-97.743912 Map 
Gatlinburg townSouthTennesseeSevier490635.714260-83.510162 Map 
Gautier townSouthMississippiJackson1625130.385756-88.611687 Map 
Gaylord townMidwestMichiganOtsego374445.027512-84.674751 Map 
Geneseo townMidwestIllinoisHenry653941.452518-90.154839 Map 
Geneva villageMidwestPennsylvaniaAshtabula597841.805256-80.947624 Map 
Geneva townMidwestIllinoisKane2397541.887527-88.305351 Map 
Geneva townSouthAlabamaGeneva424531.041113-85.876427 Map 
Genoa villageMidwestIllinoisDeKalb477342.097248-88.692871 Map 
George Mason villageSouthVirginiaFairfax949638.832039-77.325928 Map 
Georgetown villageNortheastMassachusettsEssex811042.724564-70.991966 Map 
Georgetown townSouthTexasWilliamson6717630.632694-97.677231 Map 
Georgetown villageMidwestIllinoisVermilion349639.975315-87.635857 Map 
Georgetown townSouthGeorgiaChatham1262131.983265-81.227333 Map 

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