Free Maps of United States

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Towns in United States

Table of towns in United States

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Albany townWestCaliforniaAlameda1969637.886871-122.297745 Map 
Albany cityWestOregonLinn5445344.636505-123.105934 Map 
Albany citySouthGeorgiaDougherty7533531.578205-84.155678 Map 
Albany cityNortheastNew YorkAlbany9922442.651169-73.754967 Map 
Albemarle townSouthNorth CarolinaStanly1541435.350143-80.200058 Map 
Albert Lea townMidwestMinnesotaFreeborn1775843.648014-93.368263 Map 
Albertville townSouthAlabamaMarshall1920534.267593-86.208870 Map 
Albia townMidwestIowaMonroe372141.026455-92.807526 Map 
Albion villageMidwestMichiganCalhoun923742.243095-84.753029 Map 
Albuquerque cityWestNew MexicoBernalillo55927735.084103-106.650986 Map 
Alcoa citySouthTennesseeBlount931635.789528-83.973793 Map 
Aldan villageNortheastPennsylvaniaDelaware428239.921501-75.287964 Map 
Alderwood Manor townWestWashingtonSnohomish1019847.802383-122.258629 Map 
Aldine townSouthTexasHarris1586929.932051-95.379051 Map 
Aledo townMidwestIllinoisMercer363341.199665-90.748482 Map 
Alexander City townSouthAlabamaTallapoosa1508532.944012-85.953850 Map 
Alexandria villageMidwestIndianaMadison588840.262817-85.675812 Map 
Alexandria citySouthLouisianaRapides4527531.290977-92.461632 Map 
Alexandria townSouthKentuckyCampbell847738.959507-84.387993 Map 
Alexandria citySouthVirginiaAlexandria16003538.805111-77.047020 Map 
Alexandria townMidwestMinnesotaDouglas1107045.883511-95.374504 Map 
Algiers villageSouthLouisianaOrleans5999529.941347-90.037590 Map 
Algoma townMidwestWisconsinKewaunee324344.610783-87.438736 Map 
Algona townMidwestIowaKossuth548743.069965-94.233017 Map 
Algona villageWestWashingtonKing301447.278404-122.254227 Map 

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