Free Maps of United States

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Towns in United States

Table of towns in United States

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Roseville townMidwestMichiganMacomb4740642.497257-82.937141 Map 
Roslyn villageNortheastNew YorkNassau305240.799824-73.650963 Map 
Ross townMidwestIndianaLake4178041.526703-87.374763 Map 
Ross villageMidwestOhioButler763739.312298-84.650795 Map 
Rossford villageMidwestOhioWood635941.609772-83.564377 Map 
Rossville townSouthMarylandBaltimore1514739.340881-76.484177 Map 
Rossville villageSouthGeorgiaWalker347634.983376-85.286034 Map 
Roswell citySouthGeorgiaFulton9478634.023319-84.360023 Map 
Roswell cityWestNew MexicoChaves4818433.394329-104.522949 Map 
Rothschild villageMidwestWisconsinMarathon519744.887192-89.620125 Map 
Round Lake townMidwestIllinoisLake1622042.353355-88.093414 Map 
Round Lake Beach townMidwestIllinoisLake2828342.371689-88.090080 Map 
Round Lake Park villageMidwestIllinoisLake623642.356964-88.076744 Map 
Round Rock citySouthTexasWilliamson11946830.508593-97.678802 Map 
Rowlett townSouthTexasDallas5619932.902901-96.563881 Map 
Rowley townNortheastMassachusettsEssex587542.713699-70.881836 Map 
Roxboro townSouthNorth CarolinaPerson873236.393753-78.982788 Map 
Roy townWestUtahWeber3930641.171535-112.027374 Map 
Royal Oak townMidwestMichiganOakland5798442.489479-83.144646 Map 
Royal Palm Beach villageSouthFloridaPalm Beach3085126.705082-80.227951 Map 
Royersford villageNortheastPennsylvaniaMontgomery430740.184269-75.537964 Map 
Royse City townSouthTexasRockwall1470232.976105-96.331337 Map 
Ruidoso townWestNew MexicoLincoln779133.331581-105.673096 Map 
Rumson villageNortheastNew JerseyMonmouth719440.372055-73.999023 Map 
Runnemede villageNortheastNew JerseyCamden846139.852337-75.067947 Map 

Free maps of United States. All maps on this site are copyright "Free country maps" unless they contain the CC-BY_SA 2.0 OpenStreetMap watermark. The maps cannot be displayed on any other website this includes the topographical maps and any other United States map excluding the United States outline maps, town maps of United States and the road maps which can be freely copied, modified and used according to openstreetmaps terms of service.

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