Free Maps of United States

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Towns in United States

Table of towns in United States

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Cold Spring villageSouthKentuckyCampbell591239.021729-84.439941 Map 
Colden townNortheastNew YorkErie332042.644222-78.684578 Map 
Coldwater villageMidwestOhioMercer445740.479771-84.628288 Map 
Coldwater cityMidwestMichiganBranch1094541.940327-85.000519 Map 
Colebrookdale villageNortheastPennsylvaniaBerks545340.309273-75.652634 Map 
Coleman townSouthTexasColeman487431.827368-99.426453 Map 
Colerain villageMidwestOhioBelmont444240.125904-80.808701 Map 
Colesville townSouthMarylandMontgomery1981039.075665-77.001923 Map 
College Park townSouthMarylandPrince George's2741038.980667-76.936920 Map 
College Park townSouthGeorgiaFulton1495933.653442-84.449371 Map 
College Place villageWestWashingtonWalla Walla898046.049175-118.388039 Map 
College Station citySouthTexasBrazos12051130.595530-96.307106 Map 
Collegedale villageSouthTennesseeHamilton732335.053131-85.050224 Map 
Collegeville villageNortheastPennsylvaniaMontgomery500840.185661-75.451569 Map 
Colleyville townSouthTexasTarrant2321032.880959-97.155014 Map 
Collierville townSouthTennesseeShelby4886335.042034-89.664528 Map 
Collingdale villageNortheastPennsylvaniaDelaware846739.911777-75.277130 Map 
Collingswood townNortheastNew JerseyCamden1396139.918167-75.071281 Map 
Collins villageNortheastNew YorkErie717242.496449-78.920586 Map 
Collinsville townSouthOklahomaTulsa665036.366119-95.839813 Map 
Collinsville townMidwestIllinoisMadison2436638.670326-89.984550 Map 
Colona townMidwestIllinoisHenry504541.475464-90.360352 Map 
Colonial Beach townSouthVirginiaWestmoreland366338.251255-76.962814 Map 
Colonial Heights townSouthVirginiaColonial Heights1741137.255573-77.411201 Map 
Colonial Park townNortheastPennsylvaniaDauphin1322940.300644-76.809692 Map 

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