Free Maps of United States

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Towns in United States

Table of towns in United States

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Burbank cityWestCaliforniaLos Angeles10334034.181648-118.325851 Map 
Burbank townMidwestIllinoisCook2766941.741405-87.768608 Map 
Burgaw townSouthNorth CarolinaPender390434.552113-77.926102 Map 
Burien townWestWashingtonKing5206647.469917-122.348526 Map 
Burkburnett townSouthTexasWichita1093934.092426-98.570534 Map 
Burke townSouthVirginiaFairfax4105538.777130-77.275467 Map 
Burke Centre villageSouthVirginiaFairfax1732638.790993-77.300522 Map 
Burleson townSouthTexasJohnson3669032.542084-97.320847 Map 
Burley townWestIdahoCassia1034542.535744-113.792793 Map 
Burlingame townWestCaliforniaSan Mateo2757337.578098-122.347313 Map 
Burlington cityMidwestIowaDes Moines2398240.812691-91.102020 Map 
Burlington citySouthNorth CarolinaAlamance4996336.095692-79.437798 Map 
Burlington townNortheastConnecticutHartford913441.769264-72.964546 Map 
Burlington townNortheastNew JerseyBurlington971540.071220-74.864883 Map 
Burlington townNortheastMassachusettsMiddlesex2489542.504818-71.195610 Map 
Burlington cityNortheastVermontChittenden4474344.476158-73.212906 Map 
Burlington townWestColoradoKit Carson348039.304790-102.269241 Map 
Burlington townMidwestWisconsinRacine1052442.678078-88.276192 Map 
Burlington townSouthKentuckyBoone1731839.027561-84.724113 Map 
Burlington townWestWashingtonSkagit915248.473812-122.330452 Map 
Burnet townSouthTexasBurnet643630.760855-98.223991 Map 
Burney villageWestCaliforniaShasta320040.882381-121.660820 Map 
Burnham villageMidwestIllinoisCook403741.638924-87.556709 Map 
Burnsville townMidwestMinnesotaDakota6030644.767056-93.277390 Map 
Burnt Mills villageSouthMarylandMontgomery359239.033722-77.004417 Map 

Free maps of United States. All maps on this site are copyright "Free country maps" unless they contain the CC-BY_SA 2.0 OpenStreetMap watermark. The maps cannot be displayed on any other website this includes the topographical maps and any other United States map excluding the United States outline maps, town maps of United States and the road maps which can be freely copied, modified and used according to openstreetmaps terms of service.

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