Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with C

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Chambly village936949.1662792.244499 Map 
Chambourcy village587248.9058992.039645 Map 
Chambray-lès-Tours village1073347.3390880.714368 Map 
Chamonix-Mont-Blanc town931845.9246716.872751 Map 
Champ-sur-Drac village313645.0771455.729987 Map 
Champagné village375748.0168000.331790 Map 
Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or village507645.7954904.789458 Map 
Champagne-sur-Oise village465749.1339422.231240 Map 
Champagne-sur-Seine village648548.3989682.804349 Map 
Champagney village377047.7046556.686148 Map 
Champagnole village813546.7456055.908358 Map 
Champcevinel village263045.2155570.727222 Map 
Champcueil village279048.5149122.450082 Map 
Champforgeuil village231546.8203744.835029 Map 
Champhol village220048.4685211.508245 Map 
Champigné village206847.663994-0.569741 Map 
Champigneulles village692048.7342226.165117 Map 
Champigny village218848.3194473.126472 Map 
Champigny-sur-Marne town7551048.8183022.514697 Map 
Champlan village250048.7073402.275863 Map 
Champniers village516845.7145730.205054 Map 
Champs-sur-Marne town2441848.8516652.600921 Map 
Champtoceaux village237347.337143-1.265214 Map 
Chanas village233945.3203324.815104 Map 
Chanceaux-sur-Choisille village358647.4712750.703352 Map 

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